The Best App Ever nominations are open until December 31st. Our app, Recipe Cards with Serving Sizer for iPad (formerly named Serving Sizer Recipe Cards) has made the finals for the past two years, thanks to your support. We hope we can count on it again, so we’re asking for your nominations! If we make finalist, we’ll again ask for your vote. You can vote for multiple apps in multiple categories, so please feel free to click as many combinations as you feel are warranted. Don’t wait too long, as nominations close tomorrow. I’ve put links below to make it easy to nominate our apps in various categories. Thanks for your support! Click on links provided below.
The Best App Ever nominations are open until December 31st. Our app, Recipe Cards with Serving Sizer for iPad (formerly named Serving Sizer Recipe Cards) has made the finals for the past two years, thanks to your support. We hope we can count on it again, so we’re asking for your nominations! If we make finalist, we’ll again ask for your vote. You can vote for multiple apps in multiple categories, so please feel free to click as many combinations as you feel are warranted. Don’t wait too long, as nominations close tomorrow. I’ve put links below to make it easy to nominate our apps in various categories. Thanks for your support! Click on links provided below.
Recipe Cards with Serving Sizer for iPad
We tried hard to make this app the most visually appealing, yet functional. We have the simulated recipe box, which makes it easy to scroll through your recipe collection alphabetically by index. We didn’t stop there, adding the search by keyword and category functions.

On the card screen, we’ve added new enhancements–free color card sets and a sample from the fall leaves collection. We have three custom card sets available for purchase in-app, Home Sweet Home, Holiday Trimmings, and Fall Leaves. (More are on the drawing board…)

We hope you agree that this is both a visually appealing and also useful cooking app. We ask you nominate us in these categories:
Nominate Recipe Manager with Serving Sizer for iPad – your recipes, organized for Best Cooking App
Nominate Recipe Manager with Serving Sizer for iPad for Best Visual Design
Nominate Recipe Manager with Serving Sizer for iPad – your recipes, organized for Best Parenting App
Date Wheel date calculator
Many of you have written to us to let us know how much you love Date Wheel, how it’s helped you both at work and for organizing your personal plans and appointments, not to mention countdowns. We’d appreciate your vote in any of these categories for Date Wheel:
Nominate Date Wheel date calculator for Most Useful App
Nominate Date Wheel date calculator for Best Productivity App
Nominate Date Wheel date calculator for Best Task Management App
Nominate Date Wheel date calculator for Best Business App
Nominate Date Wheel date calculator for Best Information Organization App
Trip Boss travel manager
Our travel suite of apps, Trip Boss travel manager, include expense and budget, itinerary, and a travel journal, plus include a built-in a tip calculator and a currency converter. We have a lot of customers who have been using Trip Boss since its inception as a Palm app in 2004. Some have even delayed upgrading hardware because they found this app very useful. We are in the process of bring the app to iOS; it’s currently on the AppStore for the iPhone. We have an iPad version in the works, as well as more functionality on the drawing board. We need your support to spread the word on this unique app and a vote for it in BAE is a step in that direction. That said, here are a bunch of links to support us in nominating this app. Click on as many as you feel inclined. Thank you so much!
Nominate Trip Boss travel manager – Itinerary, Expense & Budget edition for Most Useful App
Nominate Trip Boss travel manager – Itinerary, Expense & Budget edition for Best Travel App
Nominate Trip Boss travel manager – Itinerary, Expense & Budget edition for Best Productivity App
Nominate Trip Boss travel manager – Itinerary, Expense & Budget edition for Best Business App
Nominate Trip Boss travel manager – Itinerary, Expense & Budget edition for Best Information Organization App
Trip Boss Expense & Budget Manager
Best Fincancial App
Nominate Trip Boss Expense & Budget travel manager, with tip and currency calculators for Best Financial App
Nominate Trip Boss Expense & Budget travel manager, with tip and currency calculators for Best Travel App
Journal: Trip Boss travel manager
Best Travel App
Nominate Journal : Trip Boss travel manager for Best Travel App
Nominate Journal : Trip Boss travel manager for Best Writing App
Tip Boss tip calculator
Best Fincancial App
Nominate Tip Boss tip calculator for Best Financial App